Survey SRL 2018-12-17T09:12:52Z WordPress Survey <![CDATA[(Italiano) Non prevedibilità dell’evento lesivo]]> 2013-12-19T08:09:00Z 2013-12-19T08:09:00Z

Survey <![CDATA[(Italiano) “RESPONSABILITA’ QUANDO I BAMBINI GIOCANO: SCIVOLO, PALLA PRIGIONIERA, RUBA BANDIERA, ALTALENA”]]> 2013-12-17T17:46:44Z 2013-12-13T07:48:08Z ]]> 0 Survey <![CDATA[RCA – the difference between value and cost required for accident vehicle repairs]]> 2013-12-02T07:59:46Z 2013-12-02T07:59:46Z Continue Reading]]> Any significant difference between the market value of the vehicle involved in the accident and the cost of necessary repairs required , the court may order the tortfeasor to pay damages equivalent to
In accordance with art. 2058, second paragraph of the Italian Civil Code , the court , when compensation is required in a specific form may provide that the compensation is made only for equivalent reinstatement if specific performance is prohibitively expensive for the debtor.
It has excessive costs , pursuant to the above rule, when the financial sacrifice necessary for compensation in a specific form , in any way be contemplated (including, therefore , the repairs carried out directly by the tortfeasor or the payment of the sums in carrying out repairs to damaged ) , exceeds an extent in fact excessive , given the circumstances of the case, the value to be paid on the basis of compensation for equivalent .
It follows that, in the event of a claim for damage to a vehicle following a car accident, consisting of the sum of money needed to repair the damage , in fact it was suggested that a claim for specific performance.
If that amount significantly exceeds the market value of the car, on the one hand it is too onerous for the debtor and the other ends up hurting constitute unjust enrichment for the injured .
It follows that in the event of a significant difference between the market value of the vehicle involved in the accident and the cost of necessary repairs required , the court may , in lieu thereof , order the tortfeasor ( and in the case of direct action, the insurer) , to compensation for equivalent .
Court of Cassation, sez. VI Civil , November 4, 2013 n . 24718

Survey <![CDATA[(Italiano) La responsabilità della struttura sanitaria ha natura contrattuale]]> 2013-11-29T08:47:01Z 2013-11-27T22:52:50Z ]]> 0 Survey <![CDATA[(Italiano) Errore sanitario, prova rafforzata a carico dei medici]]> 2013-11-29T08:47:52Z 2013-11-27T22:52:19Z ]]> 0 Survey <![CDATA[(Italiano) Infortuni stradali: chi paga se a causarli sono i ciclisti?]]> 2013-12-17T16:25:14Z 2013-11-27T22:50:39Z ]]> 0 Survey <![CDATA[(Italiano) Ostetrici e ginecologi, professioni a rischio di estinzione a causa dei risarcimenti esorbitanti]]> 2013-11-18T08:27:34Z 2013-11-18T08:27:34Z

Survey <![CDATA[(Italiano) Amministratori responsabili solo col nesso di causalità]]> 2013-11-18T08:26:46Z 2013-11-18T08:26:46Z

Survey <![CDATA[(Italiano) 18-11: Filippine: Lufthansa trasporta 25 tonnellate di generi di soccorso a Manila]]> 2013-11-18T08:25:26Z 2013-11-18T08:25:26Z

Survey <![CDATA[Propeller Club Port of Venice]]> 2013-11-18T08:24:36Z 2013-11-18T08:24:36Z
